Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vroom! Vroom! Here's the Big question, who enjoys it more, daddy or the boys !!!!

Chris will often work on his own car, which means taking trips to Autozone for parts.. For some reason, they sell minibikes... right up front to make any man drool and dream of his own childhood, only to make you feel quilty that you don't have one for your boys..Well money being very tight, he would often look and just ponder, but this time it said SALE.. And not to mention, he just received a small bonus, the lady asked if he was interested, and looked at the sticker and said, "Oh, this isn't the right price, it is way less than that, plus this one is the floor model and we need to get rid of it.." That is all it took to capture my hubby.. He came home with a smile on his face, like a little boy....

This is Zack trying it on for size... A little too big for him still, we let him ride it and unfortunately he hit the neighbors house, no damage except for his pride...
This is Nick on it, waayyyyyyy too big.. He has to get a ride with big brother Josh if he wants to ride...

This is Josh, allllll smiles.. He LOVES his new toy.. He and daddy work on, kind of rewired and tinkered and got it to go faster than it should be allowed.. It goes faster than the speedometer.. I don't think it is so good to have a husband who can do mechanics, great for our cars, but hard on mommy.... :) I will try and capture a picture of daddy on, but he is not really suppose to ride it, he exceeds the weight limit, but it has given him the itch to get a motorcycle of his own again I am sure..

Monday, July 14, 2008

Trying out my new Sepia and black and white camera

Josh made our cat Milkshake a box. She loves it..

This is the black and white picture of Zack.. He is getting so big...

My five year olds ironic art piece.....

Nick and the boys often love to go into the garage and tinker.. Chris has given them a pile of nails and some wood they may use to hammer and play with.. Nick asked me if I would saw two pieces of wood for him.. I asked Why? He said"You'll see, it's about Jesus" Then he came back with this bare cross, he then went in search of 4 large nails, and a silver thingamabobby..He used the silver bullet looking thing for Jesus' head and the nails for his arms and legs..What irony.. I explained just how the message of the nails was much larger than he could imagine.. He was so excited he made this, I had to hang it in the entry way for all to see.. And for all who enter to be reminded of what our Savior did for us.. One day Nick will look and shudder at the reality of his art work or so I pray...

The top of the plaque reads King of the Jews.....

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I want a Groundhog too!!!!

Yesterday my sons were playing baseball with their daddy... He was throwing high balls, some fast pitches and grounders... Chris was really working on Josh's throwing, since he is playing baseball for real, well Zack being a very cute 7 year was getting a little feeling of being left out, so he said ,"Daddy, I want groundhog too...." Chris didn't have the heart to tell him they were grounders..