Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nick Turns Seven.. My baby is 7 and no longer a baby...

Nick turned 7. What a joy he is to everyone around him.. He is a servant and has a heart the size of the grand canyon...
He loves to help around the house and even as he is getting older, he is helping even more, not less...
When Nick got out of bed, he came down and found this groovy looking entrance into the kitchen. His theme this year was bowling, in which we had pizza and went to a new bowling alley called Pinz.. He didn't bowl, but played lots of games like Chuck E Cheese has..

Here is my new seven year old, he is very handsome...

What a fun cake, I wanted to make his cake this year, but I just couldn't beat what the professional bakers could do...
Nick with his seven year old candle...

Nice hair Josh and on the right is Brian Donohoo, which is probably Nick's closest friend...

The clan..We bought small Boboli pizza crusts and let them design their own toppings..

Here we are at Pinz.. Nick looked so cute with his head in this big yellow simulator.. He had such fun....

see how cute and big it looks compared to him.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Zack Turns Nine... Yeah....

Zack's 9th Birthday.. My thanksgiving Baby.. He is my favorite turkey tho.

I can't believe he is turning nine..What a joy..

He is my spiderman boy..

They love when I make a huge poster advertising their birthday...

Mommy loves to make a big deal and they love to wake up to decorations.. Of course they are spiderman colors...

Zack also beside spiderman, loves his second favorite fun is Legos...

Look how big and handsome he is becoming...

Nick watching Zack in anticipation and probably very excited his is coming soon too.. We are planning on a trip to Mall of America sometime after the Holidays to finish celebrating Zack's birthday.. He wants to go to LegoLand and eat lunch at The Rainforest Cafe...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Roman Feast to Remember.....

My Father's World Feast in the Roman Era
November 20. 2009

Here the boys are preparing their weapons, getting belts for their swords to hang in.. They really enjoyed getting dressed as a Roman Soldier.

He is too cute to be mean with a weapon.. Just look at that dimple.. He is testing out mom's
knives and begging me to let him take one to the feast.. NOT going to happen.....
This is our fearless warrior.. Just look at his beaming eyes of terror..

This is Melissa Harp, at whose home we celebrated our feast in Honor of Emperor Harp, Senator Burow, Senator Elsholtz and Orator Swanson on their return home from Battle.
We are toasting and raising our glasses that they have come home safely..We salute you....
It was customary during each course of a meal to have entertainment.. Here is a roman guard sharing some side stitching jokes .

Another Roman Soldier causing the citizens to drink and be merry.

Here is the Emperor, his two senators
and his orator dining with him.. The men as was customary reclined a the table, as the bible says' Jesus reclined with them.. It was customary for the women to sit on the arm of the couch as the men layed down on their stomachs or on their backs.. They even had a vomitorium (yes it is called that) should you eat too much and purge yourself to be able to eat more..

Here is our group. We had so much fun reclining, dining and laughing.. All of the women wore really dark eyebrows, red cheeks and white powder...
I was glad to see that we all got into the part..

Looks like these young men are finding it no problem to play the part of feasting while reclining..

Ah!!! the boars head that was served at most roman feasts.. We borrowed this from the Tapestry Of Grace Coop as they had their feast a few weeks before us...They made it out of paper mache.

For dessert, the children of Rome were to make edible mosaic with graham crackers, frosting and candy.. Needless to say, they were sugared up for bed...
We had such a wonderful night, I am soooooooooo very excited for our Midieval Feast and am already thinking of fun and creative ideas..

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Harvest Party 2009 with SGCC!!!

"Harvest Party 2009 with Sovereign Grace Community Church in Stillwater, MN.."

Cathy Brown and I along with her kids worked hard on making posters, signs, decorations and all that is needed to make a fun harvest party..
My infamous pumpkin cake.. I entered this in the cakewalk and the pastor's wife Lilli won it.. I won a scrumptous chocolate mint bundt cake made by Leanne Gillstrom.

This was the pumpkin Chris decorated, it was suppose to be the walmart rollback dude.

These were just some of the pumpkins that were submitted by the adults.. More came and as a matter of fact the witch won ( we were not suppose to bring scarry things) but oh well.. The Forbidden fruit actually won first and the witch second.. Go apple.

Here is a picture of the forbidden fruit.. It really looked like a bite was taken out and all they did was paint the pumpkin red and the bit or flesh a whitish yellow.. Cooooool ey.

Here is the category 7 to 11 that Josh and Zack entered.. Zack was the left one. the red spiderman, Josh was the right one the black spiderman and Vitaly was in the middle.. He won first prize, Zack 2nd and Josh 3rd .

Here is the 7 and below category. Nick is all the way to the left and he won 1st place.. GO NICK....

We brought out our little portable fire pit and boy did that come in handy.. Chris stayed by the fire the entire day.. It was about 38 degrees, cold and windy...

Derrick Thingvold and a huge bowl of candy.. Jonathan Leslie, one of our pastors is standing directly behind him...
Josh is decorating a very delicious cookie.. Ivy Cormier brought out a hundred or so cookies for the kids to decorate and eat..

The boys in line to play baseball bowling...Each game they could win some candy..

Here is Nick Bowling..

Everyone standing outside the garage getting warm...

Jennifer Brown and her decorating contest.. This is the Browns
property 5 acres or so.. It was nice to have that land for this.. We had hay rides also.

Here is the kids playing games in the garage...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spidyween and the pumpkin patch......

Spiderman turned to the dark side....

Zack really wanted to paint spiderman's face, then Josh had the brilliant idea of making him in the darkside..
Here Josh is perfecting his spiderman darkside masterpiece...

Zack had a pillow to copy from.. It was neat, just the day before Nick and I had gone to Goodwill to shop and found this spiderman pillow and got it for Zack, just in time for him to use for his masterpiece

Nick carved ALL ON HIS OWN and I mean all on his own this Shrek look look alike.. He used the eyeballs for the ears.. He is very creative in doing crafts and genuinely enjoys them.

So cute.. Look at that neat pumpkin...

Here Zack is following the pattern of the pillow..

The end result, Spiderman, spidermand, doing the best that spidy can..

Here are the final results, the darkside of spiderman, then spiderman and mom's play around pumpkin patch pumpkin.. I hope we win something at the contest this Saturday at the annual harvest party at the Browns, where we will enter our pumpkin efforts...

My quilt work called the "Pumpkin Patch" up close...