At the end of each Unit in Tapestry, we have a feast or gathering to celebrate all we have learned.. We just finished unit II where we learned about ancient china, india, mayans, greece, the promised land and so on.. Here the girls represent china, india and greece..

Zack in his toga..

Here is Jennifer in her india costume, Olivia is from China and the rest had togas on..

Nicholas is arm wrestling his buddy Brian Donohoo.. It was sweet to let them join our Pentathalon. We were supposed to have 5 events that were the original events in Mount Olympus.. Running, jumping, wrestling, javelin, discus throw.. For the javelin, they were to toss a chopstick and for the discus,a butter lid... Instead of wrestling, we arm wrestled.. Being so cold up north, we had to make do inside.

Zack is arm wrestling a 10 year old, Jonah.. I was scared that he would go right down, but surprisingly it was almost a tie...

Josh barely beat Jacob the first time, but Josh did end losing to Jacob, but won first place in the long jump...

Ahhh. My football player stuck in a toga... He had fun at the olympics and was happy they included him and Brian, the two kindergartners.

Josh in his toga..