Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A typical wintery day in Minnesota

So this is me, an ordinary mom, three boys, a husband, a cat, a few friends (which I call them) a house, a job and other than that, same ole, same ole..However, I had a bright idea that would make my days in February, during the most boring month in Minnesota.seem a little more bright . You see those who can afford to escape in Feb. are gone, and for those of us who can't, well let's just say "We hibernate" We get grouchy, we want to knock down walls, move furniture, my gosh watching my cat play is even entertaining..Sad, I know. So back to my idea.. I was all excited, they were calling for a fresh 6 inches of snow.. Yeah, something new.. So I decided to head down to the old farmes weed and seed to get some bird food. He suggested I needed water, the greatest attractant to birds..So I ran to walmart as he suggested and started with a terra cotta round bottom pot to start with. I didn't want to start out with a rush, buying the warmer and all, I just wanted to know if the birds would even tempt to drink near a house that has 3 boys and did I mention the cat. So I filled it up and within 5 minutes a large robin was gulping it down for 2-3 minutes.. I was so excited and then 5 minutes later, it was FROZEN!!!!!!!! A day in Minnesota...

This is me all excited to see birds drink..
Here is the frozen stinkin bird bath..Atleast they can use it as an ice skating rink:)