Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sports Events, Track and Field Church Picnics and Vacation. Oy where does the time go??


Meet Mr. Serious, This is the guy to whom I am married.

Meet Mr. Serious making snowcones for kids. Make you wonder if they were afraid to take the come from him or not..I am joshing, he was very kind and pleasant and actually funny.
This is the baseball league we belonged to in Roseville, MN.. It was a co-ed team, Nick is the red shirt and yellow hat.. Check out the girls staring at him, he has that with the chicks.. I think he paid more attention to the girls than baseball, this is NOT looking good.

Then there is Zack who is just so happy to be alive and enjoys all. Zack is the blue shirt, second from the left, back row.

Finally Josh, who was serious about baseball and got very upset at the coaches giving girls 5-10 chances to hit.. I understood, but we had to teach him patience. I think we learned he needs to be on a real team. Josh is kneeling on the bottom all the way to the right..

Nick running for the ball or going somewhere =)

Josh batting..

Zack practicing to bat.

Heading to baseball practice.. Silly boys.


Nick getting ready to throw the softball in the back to see who throws the longest...

Josh and Zack running the three legged race. They didn't do so hot but Josh won first place in many, many events.. He was one of the top athletes that day.. I was very proud of him..Nick and Zack did well, but were happy to play.. Competition is not in their blood yet like Josh's.

Eating lunch at track and field day with the Swanson family from our homeschool group.

Zack and Nick's team took first place in the relay race..

Josh and Zack about to run the three legged.

Nick jumping the long jump.. He did great..

Nick at our annual last day homeschool picnic...