My Father's World Feast in the Roman Era
November 20. 2009

Here the boys are preparing their weapons, getting belts for their swords to hang in.. They really enjoyed getting dressed as a Roman Soldier.

He is too cute to be mean with a weapon.. Just look at that dimple.. He is testing out mom's
knives and begging me to let him take one to the feast.. NOT going to happen.....

This is our fearless warrior.. Just look at his beaming eyes of terror..

This is Melissa Harp, at whose home we celebrated our feast in Honor of Emperor Harp, Senator Burow, Senator Elsholtz and Orator Swanson on their return home from Battle.
We are toasting and raising our glasses that they have come home safely..We salute you....

It was customary during each course of a meal to have entertainment.. Here is a roman guard sharing some side stitching jokes .

Another Roman Soldier causing the citizens to drink and be merry.

Here is the Emperor, his two senators
and his orator dining with him.. The men as was customary reclined a the table, as the bible says' Jesus reclined with them.. It was customary for the women to sit on the arm of the couch as the men layed down on their stomachs or on their backs.. They even had a vomitorium (yes it is called that) should you eat too much and purge yourself to be able to eat more..

Here is our group. We had so much fun reclining, dining and laughing.. All of the women wore really dark eyebrows, red cheeks and white powder...
I was glad to see that we all got into the part..

Looks like these young men are finding it no problem to play the part of feasting while reclining..

Ah!!! the boars head that was served at most roman feasts.. We borrowed this from the Tapestry Of Grace Coop as they had their feast a few weeks before us...They made it out of paper mache.

For dessert, the children of Rome were to make edible mosaic with graham crackers, frosting and candy.. Needless to say, they were sugared up for bed...
We had such a wonderful night, I am soooooooooo very excited for our Midieval Feast and am already thinking of fun and creative ideas..