Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nick Turns Seven.. My baby is 7 and no longer a baby...

Nick turned 7. What a joy he is to everyone around him.. He is a servant and has a heart the size of the grand canyon...
He loves to help around the house and even as he is getting older, he is helping even more, not less...
When Nick got out of bed, he came down and found this groovy looking entrance into the kitchen. His theme this year was bowling, in which we had pizza and went to a new bowling alley called Pinz.. He didn't bowl, but played lots of games like Chuck E Cheese has..

Here is my new seven year old, he is very handsome...

What a fun cake, I wanted to make his cake this year, but I just couldn't beat what the professional bakers could do...
Nick with his seven year old candle...

Nice hair Josh and on the right is Brian Donohoo, which is probably Nick's closest friend...

The clan..We bought small Boboli pizza crusts and let them design their own toppings..

Here we are at Pinz.. Nick looked so cute with his head in this big yellow simulator.. He had such fun....

see how cute and big it looks compared to him.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Zack Turns Nine... Yeah....

Zack's 9th Birthday.. My thanksgiving Baby.. He is my favorite turkey tho.

I can't believe he is turning nine..What a joy..

He is my spiderman boy..

They love when I make a huge poster advertising their birthday...

Mommy loves to make a big deal and they love to wake up to decorations.. Of course they are spiderman colors...

Zack also beside spiderman, loves his second favorite fun is Legos...

Look how big and handsome he is becoming...

Nick watching Zack in anticipation and probably very excited his is coming soon too.. We are planning on a trip to Mall of America sometime after the Holidays to finish celebrating Zack's birthday.. He wants to go to LegoLand and eat lunch at The Rainforest Cafe...