Look at my nice bright and cheery morning rising camper..It is alot of fun to be in the camper altogether, altho you do want to be the first one asleep, that way you hear no critters and can avoid the snoring....

Josh was getting ready for Bible...

His first time on a trail ride by himself and without mommy.. He has a BLAST...

Christopher enjoying a little down time, often the boys would go to open gym which was within a hearing, walking and seeing distance and the boys would play for HOURS on end, and we would just sit in front of our camper and veg or talk with the other friends we went with, and they also were within hearing, seeing and jumping distance...=)

This older gentleman took an interest in Josh and helped him make a belt, they were not suppose to but he let us, only cost 10.00 for a genuine stamped by Josh himself belt..Josh did an awesome job on it with him name engraved like branding a cow..

Think camp is wearing him out, this is late in the evening down at the mess hall they had load a pizza for 5 bucks night..

can you say OPEN GYM MEANS TIRED BOYS!!!!! they spent all day wanting to go play ball games, rock climbing, basketball but this one particular game they just wanted to play nonstop..

This is during chapel times, all the kids sat in fun bleachers in the very back and watched the funny skits and worship, then they went to their own age appropriate classes while the parents heard a message each morning...

Zack is playing with some kids after his chapel class..

Nick the "Craft Man" When he wasn't in the gym, he could be found at the local craft spots that were manned by some college girls and they really took an interest in helping them, he made so many neat things...

Last but not least, the potato race or spudcar, they gave you each a potato, four wheels and four nails, you had to make a car and they would line up to race their cars...There was some really well made fancy spuds...