Here is a cabin up north in Wisconsin that our friends let us borrow, it was an amazing cabin, tucked deep into the wood, on a wonderfully , quiet lake.... Thank God for the Saldins and their kindness to let us use it..

There was no TV and so the whole weekend, we had to be creative and play music and board games, it's what I imagined the Colonial people dealt with , aside from the fact, that we had some electricity, but primitive for us..

This is the loft upstairs where the boys slept, they climbed a very high and skinny ladder to get up there, but they loved being upstairs..

Here is Nick one day rowing a kayak by himself, he was very good and a natural at it..He really enjoyed going way out in the middle of the lake with his brother.

All weekend, we looked for signs that captured our names, we found only a few.. this one is Zack's middle name and he was sooooooooooo excited to find it. It is not a common name..

Here is the restaurant and lake area, we rented a boat from them for the day and toodled around and saw loons, eagles and all sorts of fun wildlife...

Josh was in his glory on the boat.. I think this was one of the highlights of his trip.. he LOVED being on the boat and going as fast as it could,, mommy was not so thrilled....=)

Here we were that close to an Eagle, my camera does not do it justice.. We got even closer, but I cannot find the closeup we took.. VERY cool..

Nick was so excited to be on the boat ride as well. He enjoyed putting his hand in the water as the boat was going fast and seeing what he could catch in the water along with Zack..

Dad, hanging out and enjoying the peace.. We were not dressed for Kayaks, as we had NO idea that the cabin had them at our disposal, OH well, we still enjoyed them, and had the lake to ourselves
Here Nick and Zack are playing CandyLand first thing in the morning, like I said "No TV"
It was weird to be back in Nicolet County where my dad was a Forest Ranger..
On a GeoCache, we found this huge boulder, amongst a very busy road of hunters.. it was a bit unerving..

Here Nick and Zack are playing CandyLand first thing in the morning, like I said "No TV"

The boys at Lake superior on a freeeeeeeezing day, they didn't care, all they wanted was to wade in the water and play.....burrrr

A veiw from the Hotel that Chris surprised us with on the last night of our trip. I had no idea that he was off for Columbus Day and so we stayed in Ashland, WI for the night, right on Lake Superior, it was so quite and the waves were so relaxing... Oh to be there now...