Friday, December 31, 2010

King Of The Hill....

Their Daddy is the best and funnest daddy, I think because he still thinks like a child in terms of play, that makes him fun.. Every year he snowblows all the snow into one big pile so the boys can play King of the Hill and OF COURSE every boy the in the neighborhood wants to come to the Burow household, not so good sometimes....

Making Fun forts, this is small in comparison to the amount of snow we got after this..

the mound is much bigger now, but this was the first round of snow, you can see how tall it was compared to Zach..

ahhhh.... everyone stuck inside their little homes, warm and toasty until you have to plow your way out to get toilet paper.....=)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Creations By "Burow Boys Designs"

Milky the cat jester...she looks thrilled huh..
Being bored can cause many of things, like having the need to make green ice cream creations..

Nick's frog on a log, or maybe it's a mouse on a log.. Call it what you want, it's cute....

This is definitely a mouse on a log or possible a bear on a log.. Call it what you want, it's cute..

Zack's spongebob, Nick's Bob the Tomatoe, Josh's military man, Zack's not sure and Nick's candle holder far right. it has leaves on it , he made it for mommy.

the new one is Patrick, on the back side is Spongebob. See Zach is a genius and creative...

This is mom's Ghoulish singing chicken salad sing "oooooohhhhh" for my special Halloween meal.

the snow was so heavy and compact, nick was able to make a solid chunk for his igloo.

Zack's cute mousy looking snowman..

I came home from a woman's meeting and found these along with the MESS...

Zachariah's 10th Birthday...!!!! Wow....

My Little Guy is getting BIG.. Zach turned 10 today... He is such a special, creative, fun, loving, caring, sensitive young guy.. He makes our household soooo interesting and alive.. No doubt God gave him a unique and warm personality.. There are so many qualities to be admired about him.. He is very giving, sensitive to correction by Mom and Dad, and God. He makes everything silly or puts his work to a song...

Here he is with Milkshake, she looks thrilled huh.....

Another quality about Zack is how he makes up his mind and KNOWS EXACTLY what he wants..Here he saw this flipping through one of my magazine, cut it out and asked that on his birthday, I make him this for breakfast.. An egg star made with toast and sausages.. It was very cute, the other two boys got planets, but he was the Star of the day...

Did I say he knows exactly what he wants, sometimes, I can deliver, sometimes he doesn't know what he's asking.. He wanted angel food cake from cub with white frosting for his birthday.. Easy enough, no cake decorating and just candles.. Wow. I got lucky on that one...

This was a Lego Birthday party we are about to have in a few days, since his birthday fell on Thanksgiving weekend as it always does.. We got him a star wars lego set and he built it in one day.. Zach said, " I wish they would make lego sets harder" I'm thinking with the amount I just paid for that , I agree.....

This cake if for the birthday party that we had on the 30th of November for his "Lego Party". We had 9 little boys running around playing games and high on Sugar.. Again, Zack wanted Angel food cake with white frosting, I added the edible legos to it.. He even picked out the candy letters.. He is so easy to please... (atleast as far as cakes go)

Did I say that Zack knows exactly what he wants, he planned this party with me and get this, he even hand picked the candy and prized for the goody bags.. He said, "Mom, I don't want all the boys to get the same thing, I want to pick out each gift for each boy" so we went to party store and he spent an hour picking out what each friend would want.. I think he is really saying he wants his own identity and not always get what Josh and Nick have.. I picked up on that little comment as a mom..Proud of myself.. Here the boys are about the dive into a 1000 legos and more filled with candy..A sort of "scavenger lego candy hunt "

Here the boys played lego candy walk.. I would play music, stopped the music and whoever landed on the number I picked out of got to reach into the prize basket and pick a prize..

Here they had a pile of lego given to them and had a limited amount of time to build something creative, whoever made the biggest, most creative, most unique etc. won a prize. .they all made wonderful creations and won something...

The last game we played was pin the lego man on the red brick on the wall.. This is Nick trying.. just a little bit off huh...=)

Here you can see several boys were NOT so close...They had a blast at Zach's party.. The night flew and at the end, it still makes me cry.. Mom, " I am sad the night went by so fast and now it's over for another year.." Not so, we have Nick's in two weeks. Not the same mom.." All the boys talked about how fun it was, and all the little boys were sad when their mom's came to pick them up, this is all because Zach is so creative and fun..

Opening Gifts..
Josh Leslie on the left.. He really enjoys the boys and they enjoy him.. They enjoyed all their friends that night..