Friday, January 6, 2012

Our Fall trip to the Inlaws.....

Here Josh was desperate to watch his "Own" movie and so he was having a hard time hearing over his "brothers'" movie, so we suggested he wrap a shirt around his ears to muffle out the boys, he did it and I snapped a picture before he felt dumb and said. "I'm not wearing this, I look stupid, someone may see me. Yeah Josh here in Iowa farmland, who knows who you will run into!"

Mama looking her beautiful self....ninety five years old here. I hope I look that good at 70..

Zack and Nick climbing a tree their daddy used to climb. Zack looks so handsome with his military crew cut that was Mommy's mistake...

Here we are on the patio enjoying the sun .

Zack, Josh, Boone, Brody and Nick playing at a park nearby where Chris grew up playing. Within walking distance of his house by the shores of the "Mighty Lake Vermillion"

Sharon (grammie's) fat cab Abbey...

Chris' sister Libbie Cline and Josh on the lake.

Along time ago, Mama and her husband owned a flower shop. Later they named the building after them. Here is the sign still hanging in Danville, Ill.

The clan again. Libbie's boys kind of out grew ours, even though they are all around the same age.