Well isn't this oriole just beautiful. It means grass cutting is coming.. Well we have alot
of land to cut maybe 2-3 acres or more and we didn't have a riding mower. SOOOO, I decided to get a used one online to surprise Chris and Josh since they are the ones who are going to be using it. WELLLLLL, let's just say it looked good on Craigslist.
So I get this used lawnmower and it needs alot of work. Well Chris is very frugal and so he was DETERMINED to make this baby work.. Josh and him spent hours working on it, running back and forth to the parts store, and finally with a doorbell as a starter, we have old faithful that cuts like a charm, just the ring the bell and it starts.. That easy.. Thank you honey for keeping it and loving me enough to not yell at me for my poor choice. Next time I will consult you on matters when it comes to machinery...