Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our Little Gremlin we added to our Family....

This is CJ...We adopted him from the pound. His name was Chris, but I couldn't see myself yelling at the dog and my husband with the same name. I mean I could see myself, but it wouldn't be pretty  =) anyways CJ is 4 years old,. He is half Chihuahua with Miniature Pincher in him. He walks with an attitude but is the sweetest dog I have ever had. He somehow attached himself to me and follows me EVERYWHERE I go. Even if I am in the bathroom, he sits outside and waits for me. He sits on my feet when I do the dishes. He is really loveable. He looks like a gremlin to us, and has a face only a mother could love, but his personality makes him really cute.

Monday, July 28, 2014

These birds look tropical

I couldn't get the clearest picture but within one week I had like 5 or 6 different species of birds that were super colorful...

Easter in Afton

Easter with the Boys!!!!
Three handsome boys on Easter...Josh and Zack just got their braces not long ago...

Nick and I worked to make our table look festive for Easter. Nana and Papa came over for dinner