Sunday, December 1, 2019

Look who turned 20!!!!!

Happppppppy Birthday Joshua!!!!!!!!!

MOTHERS DAY 2019....

MOTHERS DAY we spent having a six course high tea with mom and dad at the Cedarhurst Mansion in Woodbury. It was a sweet lovely time with mom and dad. I can tell Dad enjoyed and Chris too.

Beautiful picture of Mom...

Our Little adopted MISFITS....Cooper and Apollo

Cooper loves to hide under the covers, but you have to be careful you just don't run and jump on your bed. you have no idea where he could be,,

The Big boy sleeping like a baby....he's so quirky annd sweet..

Mary drew Cooper as a cartoon. So cute...  
Finally a moment of getting along...rare......

Mary being silly with Apollo using her long hair.. She is so silly but she loves and spoils the dogs...

We will just lay be each but doesn't mean I like you. Look the other way." Come on you two, you know you won't admit you honestly like each other... "

Cuteness these two......

Look who Got a job!!!

Nick Got a job at a dry cleaner up the road but truly was not treated well. I think he lasted maybe two months...

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February Snowstorm 2019!!!

Walmart parking lot. the snow must be 20 feet tall. the picture does not do it justice...

Our porch... trying to get to the bird feeders what a must. 

Me trying to be creative again...More snow is on the way...ugh...

Valentines Day 2019...

My attempt (last second) to make the shrimp into hearts..ahhhhh

Cooper by my flowers from my hubby.. Love you Chris...


So Nick was taking a friend to the a dance and an hour or so before he went, he realized he did not have a corsage for her nor his friend had one for his date. So I ran to Michaels rushing like a mad woman running through the isles and grabbing what I thought would look classy. I think they turned out well considering I am  not a professional florist. I hot glue gun I can work with tho...


Matt and Josh chilling by the firepit in Carlsbad, CA visiting my sister's family

Nick being Nick and exploring the landscape of the ocean was pretty cool looking..

Zack was quite the photographer that trip. He took some really cool pictures with his phone.\

Another night by the fire pit. I think we were out there every night. It was 70 during the day but lower 60's at night.

Good Morning Carlsbad, CA.....

One of the best part of the trip. A clementine tree that had the MOST amazingly sweet treats...A slice of Heaven.

That gazebo was a relaxing place to veg overlooking the pool..


The Succulent cafe was my favorite. I was all good.

All the succulent flowers were for sale but was still a neat place to just sit and have a coffee.

A day at the docks and got some french fries and shakes.

More Fire Pits.....

My sister and her hubby were such the hostess. We had the best time just hanging with them. I know they went out of their way to make sure we had a great time.

Nick being Nick and trying to capture a lizzard. 

Do you know what happens when you try to catch a lizzard and the lizzard freaks out. THEY DROP THEIR TAIL and it continues to wiggle for a couple minutes after. the grossest thing I have EVER seen..Oh NICK....

Me, Chris, my sister and her husband Danny got a day to visit some wineries nearby...great wine and great views.

Chris doing dishes. He stayed on top of the dishes while on vacation. Danny and Liz wanted to keep him on. your funny honey but I appreciate that you helped out so we were not a burden...



OK I don't get it because I don't play but all these guys spent hours on their phones playing PUBG. they were ADDICTED to say the least...

snuggling Indy

We leave 70 degree weather, to -60 in Minnesota. I was so cold in my  house til it warmed up. We left Minnesota with no winter jackets and we had to borrow winter clothes from Matt and Maria. they were very generous. Back to the Tundra

BACK TO THIS...........