Sunday, December 1, 2019

Look who turned 20!!!!!

Happppppppy Birthday Joshua!!!!!!!!!

MOTHERS DAY 2019....

MOTHERS DAY we spent having a six course high tea with mom and dad at the Cedarhurst Mansion in Woodbury. It was a sweet lovely time with mom and dad. I can tell Dad enjoyed and Chris too.

Beautiful picture of Mom...

Our Little adopted MISFITS....Cooper and Apollo

Cooper loves to hide under the covers, but you have to be careful you just don't run and jump on your bed. you have no idea where he could be,,

The Big boy sleeping like a baby....he's so quirky annd sweet..

Mary drew Cooper as a cartoon. So cute...  
Finally a moment of getting along...rare......

Mary being silly with Apollo using her long hair.. She is so silly but she loves and spoils the dogs...

We will just lay be each but doesn't mean I like you. Look the other way." Come on you two, you know you won't admit you honestly like each other... "

Cuteness these two......

Look who Got a job!!!

Nick Got a job at a dry cleaner up the road but truly was not treated well. I think he lasted maybe two months...