Shalom!! Welcome to our Seder Meal... This is our Tapestry Passover Meal..
The end of the first semester...
Chris lead the Seder meal, he did a Great Job !!! Both of us being Jewish made perfect sense for the group to ask us to run the Seder Passover Meal... We really enjoyed walking through the process, and learning the jewish traditions..

Here is our Altar.. We happen to have a tablecloth that looked somewhat Hebrew.. We have a friend who loaned us the candles, the seder plate, and other cool stuff.. But I had to get Bitter herbs which was horseradish, a shank bone, an egg, Haroset (look it up) Gifilte fish, parsley, salt water and an extra plate for Elijah...We did make the children atleast try everything...

The Altar....

We had the children smash grapes to make grapejuice into a winepress, I must admit it tasted rather good...

Hannah and Olivia looked like they came out of a Italian, Greek movie.. They had a large bowl that they were gathering grapes from Hannah's mom's vineyard (yes, they grow grapes that have an absolutely beautiful arch that hangs over the grapes..... How authentic.. I wish I had a picture of them gathering the grapes.. It was toooooooo movie like..

Josh during the seder.. He enjoyed dressing up like a Hebrew..

Zack at the Seder, of course he had no plate..And I had to sneak away during my role to get him a plate.. Poor Zack.. He always is content and has such a good attitude, never complains or tells us he doesn't have it.. Oy... Who knew?

Nick at the Seder...He was just too cute and too itchy.. I made the costumes with cheap burlap, like John the Baptist, Right? Errrh.. He itched the whole time.. I made him make it through atleast the passover meal, and quickly stripped it off him...