Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians !!!

Finally a new post, it's been over a month....

Here are my three little Indians....

It started out a simple little kindergarten project for Nick.. I gave him the craft book that had feathers.. Then his big brothers saw how cool he looked and next thing you know we're constructing weapons, making new headresses, and using face paint for their chests and warpaint.. You never know with kids what a project can turn into....
" How" Indian.. Peace brothers...

Zack of course got a bad picture taken, the camera was dying, I literally had to lick the batteries for the last bit of juice I could squeeze, and yes that works to get the last bit of life..

Of course, if you look the part, we act the part... Josh and his fearsome look.. We call him
Whines alot... Sorry Josh, we love you....

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