St. Paul once called Pigs Eye is the capital of Minnesota.. We finally made it down to visit after 6 years.. sad ey....

A CLASSIC NICK EXAMPLE.. Look he has a long sleeve shirt on and it was a very hot day, and he is holding his short's leg up...why you may ask??? On the way there, Josh spilled his soda all over Nick's nice shirt or something like that and Nick was not happy... so we searched through the piles of crud in the van to find a dry shirt, so we find a long sleeve one.. Not happy to being wearing this shirt, we proceed on after long battles....THEN, as we are walking on the sidewalk Nick spies a nice retaining wall, Nick thinks it would be cool to jump up on the wall and walk above us, only to miss it and scrape the dickens out of his legs.. So this is the story of Nick, everyday and everywhere he is hurt.. We either have gone through the bandaids or exhausted the nurses at the ER....ahhhhhhh