Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth of July... One of our favorite holidays !!!

 Nick loves to decorate for the 4th.. It is one of his favorite holidays... I love watching him do "his things"

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Nick doing his magic and making stars, decorations and all kinds of goodies for our day!!!!

"Tea Time"

I decorated with some "tea time".. It was meant for the older women to share wisdom and some of us to share our testimonies together.. Here are some pictures of me setting up.. It was so much fun doing a victorian tea...

 we made centerpieces with gloves, old pictures, pearls, letters with wax stamps, old gloves etc.. so elelgant.. these pictures do NOT give the decorations justice...

 Above is my grandmother's wedding dress to her second husband along with a picture of her and some other various things...

Sad, sad story....

This is where fox #1 was taken, the exact place of the cage and here is the sister/brother mourning their capture.. what happened was that fox #1 tried so hard to get out of the cage, he cut his nose pretty bad and so his sister/brother could pick up his scent..    very sad to watch....

She sat for over a half hour looking sad and even during the day......=(

Our buddy was caputured....

Our little friend the fox was taken captive by the Animal Police Dept... He was placed miles away, however their range is 50 miles and so he may be back.. who knows?

We finally made it to "our capital" St. Paul

St. Paul once called Pigs Eye is the capital of Minnesota.. We finally made it down to visit after 6 years.. sad ey....


A CLASSIC NICK EXAMPLE..  Look he has a long sleeve shirt on and it was a very hot day, and he is holding his short's leg up...why you may ask??? On the way there, Josh spilled his soda all over Nick's nice shirt or something like that and Nick was not happy... so we searched through the piles of crud in the van to find a dry shirt, so we find a long sleeve one.. Not happy to being wearing this shirt, we proceed on after long battles....THEN, as we are walking on the sidewalk Nick spies a nice retaining wall, Nick thinks it would be cool to jump up on the wall and walk above us, only to miss it and scrape the dickens out of his legs.. So this is the story of Nick, everyday and everywhere he is hurt.. We either have gone through the bandaids or exhausted the nurses at the ER....ahhhhhhh

Friday, June 8, 2012

Serving the Salvation Army Preschool..

Nick, Zack and Josh getting ready to set up a ball tossing game we made for the carnival we were putting on for the Salvation Army Preschool.. Lots of these children have very little.. This day there were dressed in their best outfit for pictures..

Friends from Faith (our homeschool Co-op).. Each of the children ran a station such as face painting, food, games.

Josh getting his hand painted by his friend Emily Harp...

Nick and Zack running our ball game we made .. They had fun making that game and running it...They were so cute and friendly towards those kids...

Karl Gertz a friend of ours who runs this program.

Josh and Isaiah Gertz and their GIRLY tatooes.

End of the year CHS homeschool Picnic...

Josh about the run one of the relays....

And he is off and the look in his eyes of competition, but he usually laughs when he does it.. soo cute.

Zack and Josh leslie, sweaty little friends...

Nick, Zack, Josh Leslie, and Josh practicing for the 3 legged race...

Josh on a team of what is called Bigfoot.. 4 people per team trying to lift the two wooden planks up a the same time

His One day Mohawk... One day only

My Guppy, I mean look at Josh and his mohawk.. His hair is so thin and fine, he had a hard time getting it to stay up...

Josh Feeding the foxes.....

 We have two little baby foxes.. This is the female one and she is so much more docile and sweet than her brother.. Not sure why she is out during the day, but she hung out for atleast an hour and a half being fed by the boys...

Friday, May 4, 2012

We have visitors in our backyard...

Three little foxes and their mommy have made a den in our backyard.. they yelp like little puppies and are sooooo fun to watch.. We hope they stay around for awhile.. 

Josh Burow turns 13 !!! AMAZING !!!!

Josh and his friends from Faith, Eric Landgrebe, Isaac Glynn, Colton from across the street, Noah Monge
We had planned on an all day football game at a park.. It rained, so we scrounged for something to do. We ended up taking them swimming at our club, renting a boy movie and ordering pizza. They ended up playing night games at the end and stayed much later than we thought. They all had  a blast.
Zack and Nick watching the movie Josh picked out called Kicking and screaming...

Josh on his 13th birthday eating 5 dollar pizza.. yum yum. Our friends the Dillners own the restaurant.. We get spoiled by them sometimes...
Jonah Fig is in the middle of Isaac and Noah..

We piled 9 teenage boys in our van to go swimming.. A BIT tight.

Josh's cake.  I should have made one. I could have done better, but he wanted a walmart cake and he wanted football.. So, that is what he got.  Happy 13th Josh...Wow, I have a teenager...