Friday, May 4, 2012

Josh Burow turns 13 !!! AMAZING !!!!

Josh and his friends from Faith, Eric Landgrebe, Isaac Glynn, Colton from across the street, Noah Monge
We had planned on an all day football game at a park.. It rained, so we scrounged for something to do. We ended up taking them swimming at our club, renting a boy movie and ordering pizza. They ended up playing night games at the end and stayed much later than we thought. They all had  a blast.
Zack and Nick watching the movie Josh picked out called Kicking and screaming...

Josh on his 13th birthday eating 5 dollar pizza.. yum yum. Our friends the Dillners own the restaurant.. We get spoiled by them sometimes...
Jonah Fig is in the middle of Isaac and Noah..

We piled 9 teenage boys in our van to go swimming.. A BIT tight.

Josh's cake.  I should have made one. I could have done better, but he wanted a walmart cake and he wanted football.. So, that is what he got.  Happy 13th Josh...Wow, I have a teenager...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great blog Cathy. Looks like Josh had a great birthday