Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Nick's First time skiing ever!!!

Nick in the warming house and getting ready for his first ski lesson...We were so blessed that day. I prayed that God would bless Nick and watch over him and everything else and because we got there early, we were able to get one on one lessons. This was also the first time the teacher was giving lessons, so he wasn;t sure how much time he should spend with Nick.. Usually they give you a lesson and make sure you can come down the bunny hill. Well because Nick is a good snowboarder and skater, he caught on pretty quick.. I told him he could stay on the bunny hill all day, but after a few runs down, the ski instructor said he was ready for the big hills. It was so nice of the instructor, he took Nick up the lift two times and made sure he could come down, He spent atleast two hours with Nick with private lessons, ski lift and ski rentals all for the homeschool price of $22.00.. YOU CANT BEAT THAT!!! By the end of the morning, Nick was running the Black Diamonds..YIKES !!! He even filmed himself coming down...

Back in the warming house.. The ski place was Trollhaugen....

Zack's 14th Birthday!!!! =( He is growing up!!!

Zack is now 14....He is growing up so much... Nice look Nick...

Zack wanted Avengers this year for his Birthday...

Mommy deorating anyway I can to celebrate Zack's Birthday and make him feel special..

Opening gifts from his brothers...

I got Zack a minecraft torch for his bedroom. It hangs on his wall by his bead and glows...

Scary thought....

He is getting so old... I just love this guy.

Zack and some of his friends.. He was hosting a XBOX 360 minecraft marathon...

Some of Zack's closer friends...

The boys enjoying our first Snow !!!

Nick and Zack are best buddies.. Inseparable actually.. Here they are enjoying some cocoa around our little fire pit...

Papa sleeping with CJ (our Dog)

This picture says a thousand words.....First, Papa hates Chihuahua or dogs for that matter...He doesn't want them on his lap, but somehow this little dog wormed his way into his heart and now Papa and the dog have bonded...They took naps together... so cute...

Shopping at Home Depot!!!

Daddy was shopping, so Nick and I got silly at Home Depot.. Home Depot can be boring if you are shopping for wood, but we made the best of it !!!

My Angel  (hee hee hee hee)   No really he is!!!

Me, not so angelic !!!

Cone Head...

Halloween at our new house 2014 !!!

Nick and Daddy resurrecting my spider concoction.. We started this tradition last year of collecting leaves and turning them into a spider, but this house has no leaves so we borrowed from Nana and Papa and neighbors...

My fall porch... Grammie and Big Papa were here and we all carved pumpkins....

To the left if my rendition of a CJ pumpkin.. (our chihuahua) He does have a pink nose too.. and Josh's rendition of a sick and throwing up his seeds poumpkin...

Zack's singing pumpkin with a baby frankenstein on his head   ???????

Nick's was stabbed and leaking seeds...

My (mommy's) pretty pumpkin.. It looked like a pretty lantern at night all lit up...

Mummy's porch...=)

My spider and his eyes lit up with red colored flashlights.. it looked cool at night...

Boys enjoying the fire during the Halloween Day!!!

The boys waiting for Halloween to come...

Renaissance Festival 2014 !!!

Nick payed to see if he could climb Jacob's ladder..."Mom there is no doubt in my mind that I can do this. It looks sooooo easy, Mom!"

Fail!!!!!!!  Don't be too cocky Nick, but he had fun and laughed his butt off. The guy was even laughing at him and his pride....


Nick about to go jumping HIGH in the air on a large trampoline.. MY DARE DEVIL !!!!

The royal knights enetering in for the jousting...

OK JUST WEIRD.. Large people dressed largely weird....BUT FUN!!  I always love the renaissance festivals.....

My Kindergarten Class!

I teach a Kindergarten class one day a week and get paid rather well for doing it, but I LOVE teaching them..Right now we have a girl in with her music makers and we are learning to play with shakers, drums, moroccas etc.. They love music time...!!!

Trip to Our Historic Fort Snelling in Minnesota

We don't have the history that the East Coast has, but we find a few gems here and there for our school field trips.  This fort was used a long time ago to do fur trading and such because it sits right on the river...

The Lookout Tower for the military to watch for Indians...

My Ham again.. Where there is a camera, there is Nick....He loves to be funny...Josh is to the left, Zack is to the right and the one with the backpack is their close friend Jake....

Overlooking the whole Fort from the Lookout Tower...

A group of kids listening to the guy shoot off his Bayonet

In the look out tower are these small peep holes for soldiers to do their snipering (word??)

The boys listening to a lecture on what school was like back in the day with one teacher and all the kids in one class. Each person in character gave about 5-8 minutes of lecturing.. Very informative  and interesting information...

The teacher in character..

the women who did the wash for the men made a good amount of money for back then but they had to carry water on their backs from the river, which was a long trek down to the bottom of the BIG hill...

Jake and Nick got selected to help out.. Nick has the same gene I had as a kid. I always got selected out of crowds to participate...

The Bayonet dude giving them instruction and then he fired it.. Very loud...

This guy who was showing us the Captain's quarters, which was a beautiful but small house...

This woman was a an Indian and her job was to translate the Indians tongue...