Back in the warming house.. The ski place was Trollhaugen.... |
Back in the warming house.. The ski place was Trollhaugen.... |
Zack is now 14....He is growing up so much... Nice look Nick... |
Zack wanted Avengers this year for his Birthday... |
Mommy deorating anyway I can to celebrate Zack's Birthday and make him feel special.. |
Opening gifts from his brothers... |
I got Zack a minecraft torch for his bedroom. It hangs on his wall by his bead and glows... |
Scary thought.... |
He is getting so old... I just love this guy. |
Zack and some of his friends.. He was hosting a XBOX 360 minecraft marathon... |
Some of Zack's closer friends... |
My fall porch... Grammie and Big Papa were here and we all carved pumpkins.... |
To the left if my rendition of a CJ pumpkin.. (our chihuahua) He does have a pink nose too.. and Josh's rendition of a sick and throwing up his seeds poumpkin... |
Zack's singing pumpkin with a baby frankenstein on his head ??????? |
Nick's was stabbed and leaking seeds... |
My (mommy's) pretty pumpkin.. It looked like a pretty lantern at night all lit up... |
Mummy's porch...=) |
My spider and his eyes lit up with red colored flashlights.. it looked cool at night... |
Boys enjoying the fire during the Halloween Day!!! |
The boys waiting for Halloween to come... |
Nick payed to see if he could climb Jacob's ladder..."Mom there is no doubt in my mind that I can do this. It looks sooooo easy, Mom!" |
Fail!!!!!!! Don't be too cocky Nick, but he had fun and laughed his butt off. The guy was even laughing at him and his pride.... |
Nick about to go jumping HIGH in the air on a large trampoline.. MY DARE DEVIL !!!! |
The royal knights enetering in for the jousting... |
OK JUST WEIRD.. Large people dressed largely weird....BUT FUN!! I always love the renaissance festivals..... |
The Lookout Tower for the military to watch for Indians... |
My Ham again.. Where there is a camera, there is Nick....He loves to be funny...Josh is to the left, Zack is to the right and the one with the backpack is their close friend Jake.... |
Overlooking the whole Fort from the Lookout Tower... |
A group of kids listening to the guy shoot off his Bayonet |
In the look out tower are these small peep holes for soldiers to do their snipering (word??) |
The teacher in character.. |
the women who did the wash for the men made a good amount of money for back then but they had to carry water on their backs from the river, which was a long trek down to the bottom of the BIG hill... |
Jake and Nick got selected to help out.. Nick has the same gene I had as a kid. I always got selected out of crowds to participate... |
The Bayonet dude giving them instruction and then he fired it.. Very loud... |
This guy who was showing us the Captain's quarters, which was a beautiful but small house... |
This woman was a an Indian and her job was to translate the Indians tongue... |