Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Halloween at our new house 2014 !!!

Nick and Daddy resurrecting my spider concoction.. We started this tradition last year of collecting leaves and turning them into a spider, but this house has no leaves so we borrowed from Nana and Papa and neighbors...

My fall porch... Grammie and Big Papa were here and we all carved pumpkins....

To the left if my rendition of a CJ pumpkin.. (our chihuahua) He does have a pink nose too.. and Josh's rendition of a sick and throwing up his seeds poumpkin...

Zack's singing pumpkin with a baby frankenstein on his head   ???????

Nick's was stabbed and leaking seeds...

My (mommy's) pretty pumpkin.. It looked like a pretty lantern at night all lit up...

Mummy's porch...=)

My spider and his eyes lit up with red colored flashlights.. it looked cool at night...

Boys enjoying the fire during the Halloween Day!!!

The boys waiting for Halloween to come...

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