Friday, January 2, 2015

Nick Turn 12 !!!! My Little Saint Nicholas !!!!

This is Andrew, a friend of the boys. For Nick's Birthday he wanted to go sledding.. It was WET AND SLUSHY, but the boys had fun.

I was having a hard time capturing it without being blurry. It was really dark, cold and foggy and I couldn't see to change the setting on my camera, but this is  boys going up the tow rope...

Nick's friends for his birthday party. Most of them "ended up sleeping over last minute!!!" But we love them all..

Nick and his friends playing XBOX 360... They sure get into that game.

It was a minion birthday this year. Nick loves the minions...We all do !!!

Getting ready for CAKE....hmmmm yummy...

The tall in the back is a friend of Josh's friends, Jordan Olive. He ended up spending the night too...

Playing XBOX in Josh's room.. They were ALLLLLL OVER THE HOUSE..Everywhere you looked, there were boys, TV's and XBOX..Oh yeah and FOOD....

Nick with his new Ipod...

Mommy and her decorating creatively again,.

I can't believe he is a tween...Next year, I will have all Teens... :(

Still as adorable as always.. He is a KEEPER!!!

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