Saturday, July 16, 2016


Nick turned 13 and all he wanted to do was go eat as much Sushi as he can. When they found out it was his birthday, they gave him a really large apple dumpling with ice cream and caramel. Sushi tango is the best. We frequent there so they are good to us...

My baby is thirteen today!! A sad day for us parents as we enter the realm of all teenagers in the house or should I say teenangers....

Nick loves pineapple juice so I attached a balloon with I am sad you are 13 now. Getting so big and grown but he loved the sad, pathetic, shrunken balloon face. He still has it in his room.

This is one of the sweetest people I know and the most thoughtful. He is working on a present for Nana and Papa for Christmas. I am so proud of him. I am so lucky to have him as my son. I thorougly enjoy him!!

Just chillin at a coffee shop. Such a teenager now...

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