Wednesday, January 1, 2020

ESCHEL's last day and my last day of homeschooling....;(

All of my boys ended up using this homeschool coop as the last place they took classes. It is such bittersweet. I loved schooling them and I miss it but at the same time I am glad to be done having to keep on top of it all and all of them.. Great memories tho. this coop was in Oakdale at Hope Church...

Look at that face... A sly and I want to be done look.

Nick sitting next to his former soccer mate Mika Ailli

Tenth graders being recognized. I am done with homeschooling but Nick in only in 10th grade but next year in his junior year he will attend PSEA at YEAH which is free college classes that goes towards college and high school. That is the only reason I will be done....:(

My baby and me on his last ESCHEL day...

I love you Nick...

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