Isn't he cute on that BIG horse....Well sit back and listen to this tale of the storm..

We had a caregroup picnic up at a farm in Wisconsin.. Josh was a little scared at first, but once he got on, boy he wanted to ride again and again.. The first response he said after getting off,"Mom, you always hear about how 'girls love horses' , well, is it wrong or weird for me a boy to love them..." Ahh, that was so sweet... Needless to say, I think we will be taking many trips out to the farm.. The man who owns it, uses it as a ministry.. He doesnt charge much, and he welcomes kids to come out and brush and groom the horses so they stay charmed by the kids,but he also warns us of the GREAT storms they have each year.. We saw a spark of lightning.. A little unnerving..

Yes, everything looked calm, and fun, but just after Josh got off, the next group was mounting and heading off, when ,within 10-15 minutes a HUGE storm blew in.. The horses started bucking and neighing.. Evidently, horses get very spooked during storms.. It is tornado season here in Minnesota and when a tornado has been spotted,well sirens go off.. This did not improve the mood of and already spooked horse.. So, the owner is yelling at anyone not afraid of getting trampled on by a 500 pound horse to come quick, (He was more or lessing YELLING this at the top of his lungs).."
Get the saddles off, let the horses in the field, someone let the horses out of the barn.!!!!". Meanwhile, the whole rest of the caregroup was down in the cellar hiding, us not so smart people stayed and rescued the horses.. We got the saddles off more or less, patted the horses on the rump to run. It felt like I was in a little house on the prairie scenario and Pa just spotted a fire in the barn.. Needless to say, my husband was not the least bit thrilled that I ran to help the horses while he was in the cellar keeping the boys away from the enormous spiders.. All the little girls are yelling and crying, even some boys were crying..But not my three sons, within the time frame the storm came and went, they came out of the cellar.. They run up and ask "Mom, can we go back down in the cellar with the spiders and do that again.. Ooooh.. Do I have boys or what....