Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Trip to Menards and Yard work Day for the Burows...

Chris had the boys help him get 2 by 4's for our backyard Gazebo.. It blew away in a storm last year, so this year Chris and the boys are going to tether it down with some weight...

This is my baby.. I love walkways, purple flowers (any flower for that matter).. I love gardening, I love planting, I love picking out annuals..I even love watering them each evening.. I find it very relaxing..

This weird contorted bush, is my mothers day gift a few years ago.. It is a very artsy tree and is the main centerpiece of my little garden.. Look at the beautiful colors..All the pink and purple...

1 comment:

Liz said...

what are the purple flowers in the garden that look so good? I have some that I think are the same, but mine don't look as good. Are they salvia??