Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boys really do want to be like their Daddys !!!!!

Josh is playing the spoon. Why, you ask? Because we were out of guitars, at first he thought his little brothers looked silly playing pretend band,and having so much fun, but soon he was wish he had a guitar, so decided to play the spoon..

Zack on the right, shows the most interest and ability (along somewhat with Nick) and natural ability to keep a beat... Unlike their daddy, who plays the bass, he had a hard time learning it and keeping a beat.. He has overcome that, and plays beautifully now...

Nick, of course had seen way to many videos of Chris' old rock concerts... I hope this happens for real when they are older.. I just pray they will enjoy music and use it to glorify God, or even just to have appreciation for good music..

Ahhh.. so cute.

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