Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter, birthdays, and broken arms, oh my!!!!

We have had a very eventful beginning of the month, we had Easter, Josh turned 11 (Egads!) and Nick broke his arm, at his brothers birthday party.. But just look at him, still all smiles..

This was his precast, we got the real one the next day..
Here they boys are finding Easter Eggs in our backyard...

Here Zack found one on the feeder...

Josh and the day of his birthday.. We had his big cake at the airsoft party out at our friends house, the Browns...

Josh with his basket, he just woke up. (Can you tell =)

This was a basket of out monster eggs starring at you.. !!!My sister painted cute flowers, little bunnies and they used acryllic paint, took their time and I get monsters and dad rocks eggs, no mom rocks.....oh well, dad gets all their attention..that's ok with me...

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