I would never have dreamed that Nick would break his arm on the day of his older brother's birthday, I believed he would do it one day, just sad we missed Josh's party.. Nick fell off from a very high tree swing and lost his grip, landed on his wrist bent.. He broke both bones.. I would never had known he broke it though, he picked it up and said , "look mom I can still bend it, meanwhile his wrist looked like an S.. he was so brave at the hospital, he warmed my heart. He never cried once at the hospital, picked his arm up himself for x-rays, thanked the nurses when they would give him something.. What a brave and sweet patient, so easy.. I have only given him motrin 4 times in 3 days, I would want morphine..

the cast is orange and red, but is covered by an ace bandage.. the doctor gave him a shot in the bone to numb it so he could set it while they were putting the cast on.. The shot hurt worse than the break and when he squeezed it while the cast was hardening, it hardened too tight and cut the circulation off his fingers. as we were walking out the doctor took one last look and said, I am not happy with this, we need to cut the cast on both side, it is too tight and will return the next week for another layer of the cast, to make it tighter.. here is the hard part, the saw that they use to cut it open shakes and vibrates, you ever had your broken bone vibrated.. that part hurt and I could tell he was trying to be brave, but it really hurt..yet he didnt cry..

Here aunt Liz and nana sent him a crayola basket loaded with candy, coloring books, bubbles, silly string and lots more.. he is in love with it and is very excited to have it. he carries it everywhere he goes...

relaxing on the bed with his new friends..
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