Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas 2019 without Papa.....

NO ONE HAD ANY MOTIVATION THIS YEAR TO CELEBRATE ANYTHING. Mom as in and out living with us. I mustered up the energy to make this cute adorable Halloween peppers for me, Chris and mom.

This is what we did for Thanksgiving and through all the holidays. Puzzles and just hang while we mourned the death of my dad.

Christmas time ...
Somebody got money from Grammie and Papa.. someone looks pretty happy about that...

That look that says don't mess with me now. I just hit the jackpot from Grammie and Papa.

Waiting on Zack I presume to wake up to open presents. that kid can sleep all day and be up allllll night playing video games...

Still Waiting.!!!!!!!!

And waiting.....

more waiting.....

And he is up...YAY!!!! time to ravage though the presents in no time. Why it takes hours to wrap and 15 minutes to open..

Josh and David Moy (who was living with us at the time) trying to figure out some puzzles I got them. they were content for hours.

Every year my elf comes out to bless us with his presence with his place on the mantel.. So warming and cheery... Merry Christmas 2019. It was a hard time for us just losing my dad. my mom's husband of 57 years and a WONDERFUL grandfather. We miss him sooo much. He really did bring kindness, a realness to the party. He is very much missed in his presence...

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