Sunday, June 7, 2020

When you turn 21 under a lockdown.

So Josh turned 21 during a major pandemic so I had to make shift a bar for him. It's what you do when no party stores or bars are open for weeks. Oh well it will be a memory for sure...

Refrigerator full of all sorts of goodies for his 21st The saddest thing was no friends could come over her to join us...

So on the computer there were all kinds of fun ideas for birthdays during quarantine. I could atleast get people driving by to honk for Josh's birthday...

You are now officially an adult. When this is all over we are taking you out for a drink. The weird thing is that you couldn't even get your drivers license during all this. Proud of the man you are becoming , the convictions you are getting and your plan for the future. We love you sooooooooo much...Happy 21st Birthday.

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