Friday, May 16, 2008

I love to see my husband work with my boys..!!

Daddy is working with the boys on a trellis.. They love helping daddy.. Believe me,Chris wanted all the help he could get on this project.. Thanks for letting them participate Honey....
This is our backyard.. No, not the whole thing, but this is where the pool goes each year, and so until the pool is blown and it is warm enough to swim, chris will let them dig and build tunnels and play army men in bunkers and do all kinds of 'boys things'... What a dad..I myself cringe, as the only entrance from the back is through our living room..I bite hard on my tongue for this one.. The reason for the picture was that the boys said this looked like something.. can you guess? Hint: It was a stretch for me to see, but Chris and the boys said it looked like a dog.. I took the picture upside down. so stretch your imagination..:)

1 comment:

Liz said...

This is soooo cute - and believe me, we know what a "joy" and "sacrifice" it is to let the kids "help" with projects!! haha I think it's great that they get to build tunnels in the mud!! (of course, I don't have to clean the mud they drag in!) You won't regret it though...