Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Trip to Maryland with Zack April 25,2008

Our Trip to Maryland '08

Does he look a little worried.. (HE WAS... ) Aunt Liz and cousin Ryan invited just Zack and I out for his 8th birthday.. Zack was a little nervous to fly and already missed Daddy and his brothers.. But I was determined to make this trip memorable, so I broke down and bought him a pack of small crayons, a "special coloring book" and 5 cars only for 20 bucks.. Gotta love the way airports rip you off.. But all in the name of "Memories"
This was at My sister's house in their backyard..Uncle Danny had put a deer stand in.. I unwillingly let him climb up.. You have to know that this is my son who will trip over a molecule of air, and so me letting him climb, again in the name of "Memories", needless to say, I didnt rest much this trip, but he loved it..

Uncle Danny had ordered some Omaha Steaks and received Dry Ice with it. A child's dream to make scarry mist. Daddy taught my boys that dishwashing liquid, food coloring and dry ice make pretty bubbles.Well it worked OK. but the kids or should I say Ryan had a good idea.. Let's throw the dry ice in the pool.. Well the pool was just being built, there was not water in it yet except for the rain water.. We threw chunks in and boy did it bubble and dance.. Now, that is scarry what would be in the rain to mix so well with the dry ice :) Here Zack was working with Hannah.. She is a delightful, funny, outgoing, sweet and caring girl. .Thanks Hannah for watching over the boys in the yard or whatever they were doing...

Here is Zack and his cousin Ryan who just turned eight.. That boy sure is cute, just don't let that fool you, he is a mischievious one let me tell you, he is the first to think of good prankster jokes..

Here we are at Uncle John's in Pittsburg. We decided to stop and spend a few nights with them..And look what is in their backyard.. "ANOTHER LADDER UP A TREE !!!" Oh well, I got used to the idea we may spend a night in the ER after Aunt Liz's, but thankfully we were spared and kept safe...He is with Rachel, uncle John's oldest daughter of 9.. yes, I said "9".. He has 2 boys and seven girls.. Seven brides for seven brothers.. He is a blessed man and all his girls are sweet and cute...Brian the oldest was very kind and sweet, and Ben the youngest boy and baby of the family, tho he is work for Aunt Lisa, he is a sweeeeet little guy...

He made it, but this ladder moved and swung, so I think he was even a bit scared..
Here he is with Jennifer. He made it up into the treehouse.. She was very kind to include him with whatever they were doing.. I think when we first got there the first day, Zack was reallllllllllly shy and a bit overwhelmed with all the estrogen, but the next day, he let loose and played with all of them.. They enjoyed soccer, basketball, and just running..

Here we went downtown Pittsburg and had lunch, the leftover were fed to the pigeons, until they became a little bit too aggressive for us.. Ooh, a little too much Hitchcock 'The Birds' for me.

On the way home, we stopped in Shipshewanna, Indiana in an Amish town. There were more buggies than cars.. We stayed at a very quaint christian retreat center.. Again, in the name of "Memories" we stopped and bought a 10 buck puzzle, which I'm sure we will never be able to put together, but hey we had fun.. On the way home, we sure ate alot of McD's and Zack was a little spoiled, because when we got home and went to meet Nana and Papa for coffee, they wanted a cheeseburger, so I got them one from the dollar menu, and Zack asked, "Where is my soda, after I handed him water." I just looked at him and smiled and said "Back to reality honey, sodas are for vacation" Sad to say we are home, glad to be with the rest of the family, but I loved being with just Zack that trip....

1 comment:

Liz said...

These are great posts! Keep 'em comin!! Also, Jacob wanted me to point out that it was HIS idea to put the dry ice in the pool.... oops!! Oh well!!!