Don't they look so cute, all ready for the trip, pillows and stuffed animals in hand, ready for their favorite trip to Breezy Point.. Don't be fooled.. They turn into cute little monsters.. We made the mistake of letting them stay up late the night before with some friends and play games, needless to say, they did NOT sleep in the car as intended.. But, God was gracious, we made it, we had fun and we learned that 3 hours is the max you want to drive with three tired little boys... :)

We stopped at Cabellas in Rogers, MN. This store is a boys haven.. It has large stuffed animals, like elephants, tigers, bears, antelope,polar bears and more.. They sell guns, every type of weapon you can imagine.. It is two stories high, has a restaurant, which sells wild buffalo burgers, venison burgers and even pheasant.. They have an indoor shooting range for kids.. They absolutely LOVE stopping here on our annual trip to Breezy Point.. We have made this a must stop..

This is the view from the top balcony in Breezy Point on a golf course...Just gorgeous.. It was a little cool, but the kids enjoyed running around... We had to stay off the course during the day, but at night, you could see the deer galloping freely up and down the range... On this trip, we saw Eagles, beaver dams, eagle's nests, loons diving for fish.. It was just so nice to be in Nature and quietness, just to get away and enjoy the beauty of God's creation...

This was Dan Bydlon's great idea...To climb and OLD (Not new or maintenanced much)fire lookout.. Don't be fooled by the picture.. This was realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly high up.. I freaked out just thinking of the second landing.. I pleaded my husband not to go up or to take the boys with him, yet not wanting to instill fear in the boys.. But, I'm afraid I spooked everyone..(Even muy husband who is not afraid of heights, was a little scared) So, thank God they only made it half way before they came back down.. I couldn't even watch them go up, yet if they fell, I would want to watch to catch them..A twisted plan, I know...They are all alive and swear they will never do that again...

This is the crew that went up.. all except Emmy, the only girl up front, made it 2 flights and came back down.. My kind of girl... I told her she did a great job and that I understood the fear of open stairs..Trying my hardest to encourage her, she could see I was shaking for my boys..All I could say was "Honey do you have to go all that way? Is that far Enough? Haven't you seen what you needed to see? What a memory that was...

The boys all cuddled up with Dad for a cartoon.. They all enjoy the same shows, which is very sweet to see my husband be such a young and fun dad.. Thanks Honey...
P.S. this was such a fun trip and I forgot my camera on some of the outings, so I may post more on this trip when I get the pictures from Tammy Bydlon..
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