Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Random sunsets up in Beautiful Afton...

You can the corner of our house. We look out of our kitchen and this is what we see...

Another Rascally Rabbit..

Meet Josh and Josh. The other boy is Josh Edwards, a good friend of Josh Burow. The Edwards live across the street. They have 13 children and love the Lord. Josh has been lucky to have a friend right across the street when you are separated by 30 acres and a road, but Josh E. comes over a lot to hunt with Josh. Here Josh E. is learning to skin and clean..They are two peas in a pod...

Josh Turns 15...AHHHH...Driving soon..

They must have thought the card was funny from Nana and Papa...

If you look close enough, you can see Josh just got braces on. One week before his birthday.. Good thing he had a week, he couldn't eat for days from the pain... You may also be able to tell that Zack got braces on to at the same time..Double whammy...

Nana and Papa brought the cake.They were here for once and not out East so that was a blessing...

 We were enjoying some cake and then going to play some games...

Warning!!! This section may be Graphic!!!

 If you have a weak stomach, read no further. Josh has turned into quite a hunter. We have had rabbit stew three times this winter with Josh's rabbits he killed. He learned how to skin them himself on youtube. I am proud of him. He may have missed his buck this year but he made up for it in rabbits...Look at Nick. He is not sure if he is intrigued or grossed out...

The orange is Josh's gloves. They go up to your elbow to keep you safe from blood and germs.

Nick at Awana Sports..

This year Nick did AWANA which stands for Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed. It is a bible quizzing, competing club that trains the kids to memorize bible verses and at the end of the year they have a big sports event where you go up against other churches. Nick loves it. He is the one in the orange shorts. He didn't get the memo I guess to where blue or black shorts.. OH well.. He still had fun...

This was a funny game. You had to pass the balloon through all the legs then the last one runs up front til they get through all the boys. They practiced these games for 6 weeks before competition time..

The Beauty of Snow in Minnesota..

The Boys have great memories of this 20 acres of beauty...

A Wee Bit of Irish in The Burow Household...

I love Ireland, Irish music, Irish Food and everything surrounding Ireland so we like to make a traditional meal, play Irish music all day, put fresh flowers out and drink Irish beer (not the boys )..Nana and Papa always join us for this joyous occasion. The boys and I watch a silly Irish Movie with Randy Quiad as a tradition. Such Memories (Even though we are not a lick of Irish or maybe we are)

Silly Nick...Where did he go???

Christmas in Afton!!!

Right before Christmas Nick had a presentation at school due. Rather the coop he is in.

Zack decorating the tree. It was so much fun,beautiful and a great experience out here in the woods, in a beautiful house and beautiful land...

Words and pictures do not do this 15 foot tree justice.

My baby.. The boys love Christmas time. Makes for great background too..

My two silly one...They are two peas jn a pod..

Who is that old couple there...

Christmas morning.. You can see a bit of a table on the left there. We enjoyed the fireplace and the tree so much that we brought our table out to the living room to eat and play games during the Christmas season.

Cheerful teenager  =) Good Morning Sunshine!!!

Snuggling up and waiting for mom and dad to open presents.

I know they can hardly wait....

We always start with the stocking first...

Daddy opening something...

Ooh a video game...Now he is happy..!!!

The boys all got a video game and a shirt they wanted. They are getting so big and older...

Look behind Zack up on the fireplace. It was a perfect mantle to display Zack's collection of nutcrackers...

Daddy got a torch or some kind of tool from the boys...

Nana and Papa got each of the boys a chair for their rooms. They are so comfortable..

 Nana and Papa are looking at coins that my inlaws sent the boys for Christmas...Collectors items. Such a neat gift.. Thank you Grammie and Papa!!!

 This is the view out our window on Christmas. It was stunning...