Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Getting the Perfect Tree!!!!

OK !!!Let's set the record straight.. Mommy wasn't liked very much for getting a real tree.. First of all, we have 18 foot ceilings, so a little 8 foot tree would get lost, so I chose out one and we cut it ourselves. But let me paint the picture. We drive out to this tree farm and alllllllll the trees are covered in snow and ice and all look the same size. It is 5 degrees out but with the wind chill it was well below 0. Zack is too cold to leave the car, Chris has a frozen shoulder, teenagers in general are not happy with anything and Nick is the only one with a smile on his face. So we venture out deep in the blistery cold Minnesota and find "The Tree".  It doesn't look that big, but when you are surrounded by trees, it is hard to tell. So we cut and cut and cut and cut. Nick is the only one who can really reach under the tree, and a 15 foot tree has a base of about 7 iniches wide. That is alot of cutting. Meanwhile Chris and Josh's legs and faces are getting really cold. Josh and I try to get under the tree and cut, but we are not much help. So here is my 10 year old trying to cut a massive tree down. 25 minutes later, we have a tree down.  We haul it back to the barn to find out, you cannot wrap a 15 footer, it won't fit on the shaker.. So we have a bunch of guys load the 15 foot tree onto our van. It looked like a giant tree was driving down the street, you couldn't even see the van. Limbs were sticking in the window to tie it down. So we get home..Uh OH!  How do you get this massive tree into the house????? We shoved and shoved and shoved and we finally got it in and now the fun starts..Trying to make a hole big enough for this massive tree to stand straight up on the  newfangled tree stand. Nightmare-yes..Worth it-yes...Once it was up and decorated, it was absolutely gorgeous...

Nick looking ever so suave up there on that ladder...

Trying to get the tree to stand upright...

A hug for dad, he did it....He got it up and stable...

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