Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Christmas in Afton!!!

Right before Christmas Nick had a presentation at school due. Rather the coop he is in.

Zack decorating the tree. It was so much fun,beautiful and a great experience out here in the woods, in a beautiful house and beautiful land...

Words and pictures do not do this 15 foot tree justice.

My baby.. The boys love Christmas time. Makes for great background too..

My two silly one...They are two peas jn a pod..

Who is that old couple there...

Christmas morning.. You can see a bit of a table on the left there. We enjoyed the fireplace and the tree so much that we brought our table out to the living room to eat and play games during the Christmas season.

Cheerful teenager  =) Good Morning Sunshine!!!

Snuggling up and waiting for mom and dad to open presents.

I know they can hardly wait....

We always start with the stocking first...

Daddy opening something...

Ooh a video game...Now he is happy..!!!

The boys all got a video game and a shirt they wanted. They are getting so big and older...

Look behind Zack up on the fireplace. It was a perfect mantle to display Zack's collection of nutcrackers...

Daddy got a torch or some kind of tool from the boys...

Nana and Papa got each of the boys a chair for their rooms. They are so comfortable..

 Nana and Papa are looking at coins that my inlaws sent the boys for Christmas...Collectors items. Such a neat gift.. Thank you Grammie and Papa!!!

 This is the view out our window on Christmas. It was stunning...

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