Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Nick Turn 11 !!!

Nick is 11 today...

My baby turns 11 and he is not so much a baby anymore.. Poor guy always have to share his birthday with Christmastime..but he is OK with it and enjoys life to the fullest.

Zack got him a pacman stuffed animal that make the wonka wonka sound...

Another one of Zack's beautiful wrapping job using tape and string or whatever he could find. He wanted to make it hard for Nick to open.. Love the Christmas and birthday wrapping job.

Some of Nick's buddies for his party. Left is Isaac Metraus, Josh Leslie and Bayard Johnson...

Vitaly Brown is front and center...Nick has good friends...

Say no more. They are silly boys...

Wrapping paper for a gift. Good one guys...

But it did have a gift card buried in there somewhere..Funny...

Nick and Zack working on the models that Nana and Papa got them for their birthdays...

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