Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mr. Compassionate....

A cedar waxwing had run into our window.. They are flying through this time of the year and every year we lose a lot of them to window incidents.. Well Nick picked this little guy up, put him in a box, put a warming pad which is under that tinfoil you see, fed him dried cranberries, banana and applesauce as these birds live off of fruit mostly. We syringe fed him water every hour.. He made it through the first night in the box. It was apparent his wing was hurt badly, but it was the weekend and no DNR, veterinary or anyone else was open..So, we tried to release him the next day. It didn't work, he couldn't fly.. At this point, mommy is getting concerned and really working on getting water in him.. We even downloaded chirping sounds on the computer for him to listen to and he perked up and whistled back to the chirpings. SO PRICELSS. Day two and we are still feeding him, but it is Sunday. No one is open. We try to let him go, but to no avail, he can't fly. Take him back in on the warmer and continue nursing him..Monday morning, calling the vet (almost) and Nick lets the bird out again and he flew..It was such a fun two days nursing that adorable cute little cedar waxwing and even more heartwarming to hear him respond to the sounds on the computer...

Halloween was anything but Normal this year.....Nic

Nick HATES spiders and so I was going to build a huge spider with glowing eyes and scare him or creep him out for Halloween, but he caught me and at first was perturbed but then got into it and asked if he could help me. I am proud of myself. I built this allllll by myself except for Chris cutting the pvc pipes, otherwise it was allll me and Nick.
It is coming along.. Need webs though...
The webs turned out reallllllly good and by morning, there was dew on them and it looked so realistic..
Don't like the scary look of a skeleton on my cutie, but this was our first year trick or treating and I am still not sure if I compromised, but we went with some friends in Bayport, MN...  

OK.. Like I said, not sure if I compromised, but I knew because we live on 20 acres out of town, we would have NO ONE visiting us and I could get away with decorating scary for just my boys.. I have to admit though, Nick is only 10 and didn't really like the scary stuff, so I stick to what I thought. This is probably too much...I live to learn...
I made brain cupcakes, had body part, spiders and mice everywhere and scary music.. Actually the music was too gruesome for even Chris and I and we turned it off immediately and because Zach was a court gesture, we pretended we were eating dinner in an old mansion that had been abandoned during the middle ages...
lots of webs, mice etc.. FUN TO CLEAN UP  =(
My Court jester...gone alien..

He won the bet...J

Josh and a friend of ours, Gary Brown have been betting each other for years who could shoot the first crow.. They are extremely hard to shoot but Josh GOT ONE.... Sort of Yeah I think... Gross in a way and sort of cool. He is a good shot. Not sure what I think of it.. We have so many crows flying on these 20 acres that it is actually good target practice for him...

My Birthday Surprise....

My boys were so sweet.. Chris had gone to work and I ran Josh to school, and while I was away Zack and Nick hurried and found whatever they could in our Arts and Craft drawers and made a banner out of whatever they could find  and put colored shredds all over the house so I could have a birthday surprise. Not bad for a 10 and 12 year old boy.
They even put little strips of ribbon to make it festive...
They did say sorry about the duck tape, but it was all they could find, and we live out in the country and no neigbors or stores nearby so they improvised quite nicely.

Back to School (dungeon more like it) So they think....

Back to School donut morning. I used to make a cake, but they wanted donuts this year.. Fine with me...

Fourth of July Parade in Afton, MN 2013

Nick getting settled in for the Afton Parade.. They always get so much candy. freezy pops and all kinds of good things. We usually end up with the Bydlons and this year also the Leslies...If you can see in the background, Ben Bydlon is making huge, ginormous bubbles while waiting for the parade..
Daddy relaxing in the heat.. I was under a shade tree in a neighbors yard...
Handsome shmandsome man still.. Sitting next to Jman and Zach..
This is Dan's first day with his shaved head and FAKE mustache...
OK so it is downtown Afton.. Not a huge town but people EVERYWHERE for the parade, lining the streets, selling all kinds of vendor stuff and out of this tiny little patch of trees a fawn appears..It warms the heart of everyone.. Not sure if it lost it's mother or what but it was absolutely beautiful...

July 4th 2013 and the Pyromaniacs I have for a family...

Nicholas running from something he blew up I am sure...
I wish this would have been on sport.. Josh lit a big firecracker and hauled butt to get away from it.....
Pyros like father like son...
Lighting Daddy's butt, really funny Josh
I told you they will light anything...
Nick and Josh setting up a train of fireworks to go off.. They always put on a good show for us...

More at ValleyFair...the clincher...

  I love this.. Watch the following. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to refrain...
 Zach is watching the ride and wondering if he should have gotten in line for this.. SUPER DUPER SCARRY RIDE... He doesn't know I was filming him..See ride below and you will understand. GO STRAIGHT UP AND COME STRAIGHT DOWN AND BACK AND FORTH.. ahhhhhhh... He looks weary...

OH God I can't watch...No too scary.  WHAT was I thinking?

This is rediculous...
Josh tries to calm him.
Josh is whistling to get his own mind off of it, his heart is starting to race and he is questioning himself if he should have gotten on this ride also.
This is the most forced smile EVER in history.. He is regretting getting on this ride.. OH GOD. OH GOD. Help me...
Now it is Nick's turn and he is contemplating the same internal struggle. Josh can smile because he has already sat through hell once with Zach.
Look at that same forced smile, what was I thinking. How can you think of taking a picture at this moment Mom before my death..
Chris (Daddy) Josh decided to do the 20 some story bungi jump.. I call that plain STUPID.....
They made it, their smiling because they made it. They weren't smiling before they got on...

ValleyFair Day with the Ranallas!!!!

Ok one looks silly, one looks mad and one looks ridiculous.. Can you guess who is who..
Nick, Zach and Vincenzo Ranalla (a Good Italian Name)
Nick and Excalibur's Sword...
Ain't he a cutie and a keeper...
Vincenzo stabbing my baby...
Vincenzo playing around.. After Excalibur the swings were a piece of cake...
This is Noah Monge. We met some other homeschoolers there that day ...
Cool glasses, great look Noah...