I love this.. Watch the following. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to refrain...
Zach is watching the ride and wondering if he should have gotten in line for this.. SUPER DUPER SCARRY RIDE... He doesn't know I was filming him..See ride below and you will understand. GO STRAIGHT UP AND COME STRAIGHT DOWN AND BACK AND FORTH.. ahhhhhhh... He looks weary...
OH God I can't watch...No too scary. WHAT was I thinking? |
This is rediculous... |
Josh tries to calm him. |
Josh is whistling to get his own mind off of it, his heart is starting to race and he is questioning himself if he should have gotten on this ride also. |
This is the most forced smile EVER in history.. He is regretting getting on this ride.. OH GOD. OH GOD. Help me... |
Now it is Nick's turn and he is contemplating the same internal struggle. Josh can smile because he has already sat through hell once with Zach. |
Look at that same forced smile, what was I thinking. How can you think of taking a picture at this moment Mom before my death.. |
Chris (Daddy) Josh decided to do the 20 some story bungi jump.. I call that plain STUPID..... |
They made it, their smiling because they made it. They weren't smiling before they got on... |
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