Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fourth of July Parade in Afton, MN 2013

Nick getting settled in for the Afton Parade.. They always get so much candy. freezy pops and all kinds of good things. We usually end up with the Bydlons and this year also the Leslies...If you can see in the background, Ben Bydlon is making huge, ginormous bubbles while waiting for the parade..
Daddy relaxing in the heat.. I was under a shade tree in a neighbors yard...
Handsome shmandsome man still.. Sitting next to Jman and Zach..
This is Dan's first day with his shaved head and FAKE mustache...
OK so it is downtown Afton.. Not a huge town but people EVERYWHERE for the parade, lining the streets, selling all kinds of vendor stuff and out of this tiny little patch of trees a fawn appears..It warms the heart of everyone.. Not sure if it lost it's mother or what but it was absolutely beautiful...

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