Monday, November 25, 2013

Day one of the annual Burow camping Trip up North.....

Josh got poked in the eye the first day of the trip and we ended up in the Doctor's Office.. Got that out of the way.. all safe now for the rest of the trip....
Daddy, Zack and Nick Exploring. We camped at one of the most beautiful parks right here in Minnesota. The name of it was Copper Falls, MN. The water was roaring. Of course mommy afraid of heights and not trusting myself on those slippery rocks, stayed on shore and took pics.

Just beautiful. This was the calm part of the river. We saw deer come down and drink water.
More pictures of the falls. They hiked for miles up the river.
Poor Josh holding his eye. He didn't get to enjoy the river that much as his eye kept on watering and the doctor told him to stay out of the water incase germs got in the cut of the eye

This at one time was either high water and a beaver dam or something.. Maybe a really large eagle's nest..Just kidding, but it was really breathtaking...
Nick, adorable Nick enjoying the fire daddy had built, which was a good thing, because the mosquitos were horrible at this particular park. I thought I had a pic of this, but at one point there was a sign with mosquitos and the sign read like this. MOSQUITOS are thick, enter woods at your own risk.. Sure.. they were soooooooo bad, you got bit right through your clothes.. we walked super fast on that trail..
Dad enjoying his camping trip and glad to be away from work..
Boys, Boys, Boys.. Had to climb up this super tall rocks and scare mom. The picture doesn't do the height justice...
AHHHH.. Josh and Nick enjoying the water together..Great memory..
More of Copper Falls
Josh being Mr. Dare Devil  !!!!!!
Zack and Nick resting from long walk.
Trip up.Little cozy with all the blankets...

DAY 2 at THE LAKE SUPERIOR AND a bird with a BAD hair day...
Zack in Lake Superior looking for agates..That is all he wanted to do.
Big Brother playing with Nick.. They really enjoyed Lake Superior.
Dad teaching science on vacation.. How to make dams, irrigations etc.. they enjoyed it thought, as you can see they all got muddy..
Great Pic of Josh and Nick being buddies.. Nick gets along with both of his brothers. They both love Nick and spoil him..
Feeding the pigeons at Lake Superior.. They sure are pigs...

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