Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Halloween was anything but Normal this year.....Nic

Nick HATES spiders and so I was going to build a huge spider with glowing eyes and scare him or creep him out for Halloween, but he caught me and at first was perturbed but then got into it and asked if he could help me. I am proud of myself. I built this allllll by myself except for Chris cutting the pvc pipes, otherwise it was allll me and Nick.
It is coming along.. Need webs though...
The webs turned out reallllllly good and by morning, there was dew on them and it looked so realistic..
Don't like the scary look of a skeleton on my cutie, but this was our first year trick or treating and I am still not sure if I compromised, but we went with some friends in Bayport, MN...  

OK.. Like I said, not sure if I compromised, but I knew because we live on 20 acres out of town, we would have NO ONE visiting us and I could get away with decorating scary for just my boys.. I have to admit though, Nick is only 10 and didn't really like the scary stuff, so I stick to what I thought. This is probably too much...I live to learn...
I made brain cupcakes, had body part, spiders and mice everywhere and scary music.. Actually the music was too gruesome for even Chris and I and we turned it off immediately and because Zach was a court gesture, we pretended we were eating dinner in an old mansion that had been abandoned during the middle ages...
lots of webs, mice etc.. FUN TO CLEAN UP  =(
My Court jester...gone alien..

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